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Create Harmony in Your Life (and Body) with Season Syncing

Earth Altar
Photo credit to Earth Altering | Prudence Rustean

While I'm not a pagan or a witch, I do personally practice something called Season Syncing, and I love it.

It's taken my cycle syncing to another level, and I feel much more in harmony with nature and the seasons. I used to dread winter and now I still have some days I dread it haha, but it's lightened substantially by a newfound understanding of the purpose winter brings to my life – which is the burning of the old and the bright opportunity of a clean slate.

So, let's get into it, what is is Season Syncing?

Season Syncing is where we attune our expectations and bodies to the themes of the seasons. This can be accompanied by rituals to mark the occasion of season change. Each of the seasons has a theme to connect and sync with:

Spring is the clean slate, the fresh start.

In nature it's lambs being born, new life beginning, and it's the true start to the year in the natural world. Everything comes back to life after rest or death in the winter. This is hope. It's rejuvenation. And it's a warming up to Summer.

This is the best time to begin brainstorming what new things to bring to life, whether that’s a project, a business, a baby, a training or school of some kind, or a creative endeavour. And to do this with a timeline expectation of blooming in summer, not right away. This is a time to plant seeds both literally and figuratively.

Summer is full power.

It's harvest. It's long days, sunshine, full energy, full bloom, it's FULL. Period. This, much like Ovulation week, is a time to get all your work AND play done.

Autumn is a wind down period, and it's time to reflect on what you will burn in winter.

So, this is like Luteal phase where your hormones begin to descend and you turn inward. So too is Autumn a time to begin to go inward, conserve energy and take stock of what you no longer need to carry the rest of the year.

It’s a time to take on less projects and commitments, so this is when I look at my to-do list and start reevaluating what is a priority and what can actually wait until spring.

Winter is a resting period.

It's a time of cozy nights by the fire, introspection, laying low and slowing down. This is also the burning period. This is the time of the inner work. While summer is the work outside in the manifest world, winter is the time of the inner work in the psycho/emotional and or spiritual aspects. So, while we may feel blue, remember that this is like bleed time, we are releasing and it all serves a purpose because if we do the work then we can enter spring with a CLEAN SLATE.

Picture if we did this our whole lives, plus cycle syncing, how much lighter we'd feel from all this releasing? Plus the knowledge of when to push through versus when to back off and let our bodies rest, it's powerful too. Perhaps we wouldn't experience as much burnout if we lived by these cycles.

This is my intention and so far, I've really enjoyed cycle syncing and seasonal syncing. It helps me to know when I can get work done, and when I need to reset my expectations for the season, not just the month. So as we go into the later half of the year, I now look at my ambitious to-do list and am putting some things in a “later” folder for the spring. Streamlining and pairing down mean I can feel less of a sense of failure or overwhelm, and that's much more kind and realistic for both myself and others.

What do you think of Seasonal Syncing? I recommend giving it a try and seeing how you like it. All of these ways we connect with nature, and take care of ourselves with things like breathwork, mindfulness, eating whole foods, and spending time with those we love all weave together to form the fabric of our lives.


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